Computational Materials Science Laboratory
Hyun You Kim's Group

Hyun You Kim

Current Position
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
Chungnam National University (CNU)
99 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34134, Republic of Korea
2009. 08. - KAIST, Ph.D. in MSE
2005. 02. - KAIST, M.S. in MSE
2003. 02. - Korea University, B.S. in MSE
충남대학교 융복합과학원 부원장
대한금속재료학회 전산재료과학분과 총무간사
한국재료학회 학술이사/평의원
Current Applied Physics editorial member
Curriculam Vitae
Work Experience
2022. 03 - Present
Prefessor, MSE, CNU, Daejeon, Korea
2018. 03 - 2022. 02
Associate Professor, MSE, CNU, Daejeon, Korea
2014. 03 - 2018. 02
Assistant Professor, MSE, CNU, Daejeon, Korea
2012. 10 - 2014. 02
Research Associate
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
(Supervisor: Dr. Mark Hybertsen, Dr. Ping Liu)
2010. 04 - 2012. 09
Post-doctoral Researcher
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
(Supervisor: Prof. Graeme Henkelman)
2009. 09 - 2010. 03
Post-doctoral Researcher
(Supervisor: Prof. Hyuck Mo Lee)
2007. 05 - 2007. 10
Visiting Scholar
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
(Supervisor: Prof. Horia Metiu)