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Computational Materials Science Laboratory

Hyun You Kim's Group


Current Members

Graduate Students


Kim, Jongseok(김종석)

       Integrated Ph. D., 4th year

2022 B.S. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chungnam National University




Hyuk Choi‡, Eunji Kang‡, DongHwan Oh‡, Sangwoo Kim, Mi Yoo, Ju Hyeok Lee,  Jieun Yun, Yejung Choi, Jongseok Kim, Jin-Seok Choi, Habib Ullah, Kihyun Shin, Young-Sang Yu, Chunjoong Kim, Anatoly I. Frenkel*, WooChul Jung*, and Hyun You Kim*


Modulated Structural and Electronic Ensemble Enhances Catalytic Performance of Pt Single-Atoms toward Preferential CO Oxidation

Submitted, (2024)


Hyuk Choi‡, Yejung Choi‡, Jongseok Kim‡, Ju Hyeok Lee, Eunji Kang, Jieun Yun, Hongjin Park, Minkyung Kim, Habib Ullah, Kihyun Shin*, and Hyun You Kim*


Mechanistic Insight into Bifunctional Thermocatalytic CO2 Hydrogenation by Oxide-Supported Palladium

Chemical Engineering Journal, 503, 158163, (2025)



Eunji Lee†, Beomjoon Jeon†‚ Hyuk Choi†, Jihun Kim, Jongseok Kim, Kwangjin An,

Hyun You Kim*, Jeong Young Park*‚ Si Woo Lee*


Insight into Synergistic Effect of Oxide-Metal Interface on Hot Electron Excitation

ACS Catalysis, 14, 5520 (2024)


Hyunjin Park†, Hyuk Choi†, Jongseok Kim, Sungmi Yoo, Hyun Jung Mun, Tae Joo Shin,

Jong Chan Won, Hyun You Kim*, and Yun Ho Kim*


Density Functional Theory-Based Approach For Dielectric Constant Estimation of Soluble Polyimide Insulators

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128, 10, 2528 (2024)

*Front cover Highlighted Article 



Baekman Kim, Changjae Lee, Jongseok Kim, Hyuk Choi, Hyungju Ahn, Dongkyu Kim,

Yun Ho Kim*, Hyun You Kim*, and Dong Ki Yoon*


Synergistic Effect of Fluorination and Molecular Orientational Order on the Dielectric Properties of Low-κ Liquid Crystal Polymer Film

Chemistry of Materials, 35, 10129 (2023) 


Jiwon Kim, Hyung Wook Choi, Jongseok Kim, Jung Hyeon Yoo, Dong In Jeong, Ui Young Lee, Hyuk Choi, Bong Kyun Kang, Ki-Seok An*, Hyun You Kim*, and Dae Ho Yoon*


Unveiling reactive origin through the in situ 2D core-shell formation, Ni(CN)2@Ni2P, derived from Hofmann-type MOF for water oxidation

Chemical Engineering Journal, 465, 142705 (2023)



Ye Eun Jeon†, You Na Ko†, Jongseok Kim, Hyuk Choi, Wonhee Lee, Young Eun Kim, Doohwan Lee,

Hyun You Kim, and Ki Tae Park*


Selective Production of Ethylene from CO2 over CuAg Tandem Electrocatalysts

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Accepted (2022)



2023.12.14~2024.01.01, COSMIC Beamline( in Advanced Light Source (ALS) 방문 연구

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